
MCG Retained to Apply Statistical Rigor to a New Poker Game

Inventor Bruce Paul hired MCG to review his idea for the new poker sensation 2-11. MCG was tasked with undertaking the quantitative and qualitative analysis and providing an overall opinion on the game. That opinion, and an accompanying article will be published in the nationally syndicated BLUFF! poker magazine. The inventor, Mr. Paul, and his team will be providing an exhibition of 2-11 at the Gaming Life Expo in July. The publication of the article will be in the World Series of Poker edition of the BLUFF! magazine. After a poker night where BLUFF! magazine writer Adam Slutsky and Jamie Gold tried their hand at the revolutionary game, the National League of Poker suggested sponsorship of 2-11.

The game, a fascinating derivation of Omaha Hi-Lo, provides players with an additional choice in determining their best five-card poker hand.


MCG Establishes Likelihood that a Miniature Belonged to Abe Lincoln

MCG was approached by a Kentucky investigator with a fascinating proposal: to determine what is the probability that a miniature in their possession portrayed a 33-year old Abraham Lincoln. This concept was especially interest given the fact that, if the individual portrayed in the miniature is actually Lincoln, this would become his earliest known portrait.

The story behind this miniature was equally fascinating, as it was discovered by a couple who purchased a home which, as was later determined, had been owned by a direct relative of Abraham Lincoln. At the time in which MCG became involved in this project, the owner of this artifact had conducted forensic and historical analyses which suggested that it might indeed be portraying Abraham Lincoln… but the analysis was not backed by any quantitative analysis.